04 May 2017

Steel Fist, Silk Glove

Steel fist in a silk glove

I joined Zenshin Dojo around a year and a half ago with no previous martial arts experience. I didn’t really know what to expect, but in my head I imagined that alongside the physical training there would be a lot of nonsensical proverbs delivered by an ancient sensei. Imagine my disappointment then when for the first few months the not so ancient Rob taught Karate in a very practical and understandable way. I was starting to think Hollywood had made up this stereotypical teaching by riddle method until one cold Tuesday evening Rob dropped the following gem on us:
“You want to have a steel fist in a silk glove”

It was just what I had been waiting for. The paradox is clear, and it left a number of us scratching our heads at the time. However the meaning soon became clear after some more explanation and practice. The steel fist is the power behind the technique, but the silk glove took a bit more time to understand, and much more time to implement. It refers to the way we perform a technique, blending our movement with an opponent’s rather than just being a steel fist crashing into them. 

It’s all about finesse and control while remaining relaxed. It explains how a smaller practitioner can throw all 6’3 of me around with ease if I take the Jeremy Clarkson approach of “POWER”!!!

Once I understood this I had a light bulb moment, and realised this is transferable to almost any sport. I immediately saw the parallels with swimming, which I have taught and coached for almost 10 years. You can only go so far with pure power (steel fist) before you plateau. You also need to be able to relax into the stroke (silk glove), placing your hand in the water in the perfect position to deliver the power.

Although I now understand what Rob meant, it will take many more hours of training and practise before I master the skill. Until then I will keep working away, eagerly waiting for the next time Rob shares some of his wisdom in a riddle.