14 November 2022

An Interview with Rob Part 2

With many martial arts available today and traditional martial arts losing ground to the likes of MMA; your school, Zenshin Dojo, has 6 branches and over 100 members.  This is obviously a great testimony to your teaching methods and leadership. How long has the school been running, and how long did it take to build up to this level?

I started the club in 1992; it took nearly a decade to grow to a number which could financially support hall payments etc.  We’ve been members of various national and international organisations but sadly, in the end, political manoeuvring and the thirst for power by some, always seems to spoil the party and in 2010, I decided to become an independent club, free to practice what and how I wanted and more importantly be guided by who I chose to be guided and influenced by.

Since that time we have grown from strength to strength.  I’m not sure I’m unique, but I certainly don’t feel akin to the major karate styles.

With the rise of sport martial arts (MMA) and reality based martial arts (like Krav Maga), what you see as the future for the traditional martial arts?  And what do you think traditional martial arts can offer better than any other vehicle?

I don’t feel qualified to predict the future of “traditional” martial arts but believe the answer doesn’t lie in offering self defence practice or training. Referring to nature, Charles Darwin said “the species that survives is the one that is able to adapt to and adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds itself”. 

What can martial arts offer better than any other vehicle?  A lot, it can improve health, fitness (however described); teach mindfulness, the value of meditation.  It can provide a meaningful hobby a past time which has a social element.  The physicality of martial arts has a way of processing stress (although other exercise can also achieve this).  For me the overriding benefit lies in the philosophy.  It’s a metaphor for life.  In the end (and the more mature you are), you realise the destination is not as important as the journey.  This is what non sport martial arts offer better than any other activity.

I believe that Zenshin Dojo has a club katana, which is used for symbolic and ceremonial purposes.  Can you tell us about that please?

The Zenshin dojo katana, was bought on behalf of the club from a dealer in April 2004.  It represents a metaphor for the qualities required to achieve dan grade and therefore is not intended to be interpreted in the context of the samurai, combat, or “budo” arts.

The sword itself can be perceived as an object of grace and beauty, and yet it retains the ability to cause harm and injury. Like our art, it relies upon the integrity of the owner to use it without malice; honestly and honourably.    The blade, forged by a craftsman for countless hours, represents the labour; time, care and endeavour required to progress through the kyu grades thus demonstrating there are no short cuts to “forging” both sound character and good technique. The Samurai was never seen without the katana and so should this be for karate.  Recognising its value in all aspects of everyday life is what differentiates karate from other forms of physical activity.

The Zenshin dojo katana blade edge (ha), is sharp and remains hidden, sheathed in a plain undecorated scabbard (saya) it’s exposed only on rare occasions thus signifying that, like the karate ka, beneath the unpretentious façade exists a “cutting edge” capable of significant impact. 

The primary occasion for exposure of the Zenshin dojo katana blade is the acceptance of a new member into the “Yudansha-kai”.

The age of the weapon represents “history”, “a past” metaphoric of experience.  As a genuine antique it represents “an authentic article” and is thus symbolic of the meaningful nature of dan grade achievement and Yudansha.  More decorative swords can be purchased.  To the untrained eye they are pleasing and impressive; however they lack that certain something necessary to be “the real deal

Zenshin Dojo is not just a Karate School, it's a community in which I've been privileged enough to have been included a few times.  What do you consider to be the main factors behind building such a successful school and community?

If you visit our website the first words you’ll see are “People Centric Karate”.  I believe this is the difference between a club or organisation and a community.  In a nutshell people (members) are THE most important element and considerably more important than the actual karate itself.  This is profoundly different to most other clubs and groups I come across.  Valuing a person means much more than saying “well done” or congratulations.

Many teachers with such a big school would have gone professional and “lived the dream”!  Yet part of your ethos is that Zenshin Dojo should be a non-profit making organisation.  Did you ever and any point consider giving up the day-job and going professional?

Never.  The day I put profit before people and integrity, will be the day I hang up my belt.

You have quite a few international connections and as I understand it; sometimes you travel as a club to visit and train with them, sometimes you host them when they come to you.

Would you like to tell us about some of these connections and the places you've all been to?

Before my young children were born I was free and able to travel extensively across Europe, Finland, Canada and Japan even practising karate on the South Atlantic island of St Helena and in Bangladesh.  I value those I have met and do my best to remain in contact with them but my opportunity and time now, is more limited.

We do invite friends to visit and have enjoyed weekends of practice at Zenshin dojo with French, Portuguese, Canadian, Italian and of course Japanese instructors.  We have hosted two International Gasshuku.  But I’m sure your other readers will have similar experiences.  I don’t feel I have had a particularly impressive journey, perhaps a lucky one, but not that much different from others.

Zenshin Dojo also regularly donates quite substantial sums of money to charity, some of then being martial arts based.  Can you tell us about some of those charities, what they do and why they were important to you?

As a non profit making group we feel it’s important to support charities where ever possible.  Twenty years ago we focussed on local, smaller Bristol based community charities, later we moved to raise funds for the IKKAIDO organisation a group engaged in tremendous work bringing martial arts to the disabled under the guidance of Ray Sweeney.  More recently we have concentrated our efforts in support of Fairfight a small charity dedicated to empowering underprivileged children in India.  More specifically we help fund Mary Stevens an impressive karate ka from Oxford as she gives her time and energy helping the children in person.

Why do we do it?  Why is it important? Because it is.

Your wife Kate, also a senior grade Karateka, runs the children's section with KEBBA (Kate Easdale Black Belt Academy).  Apart from teaching what is age appropriate, is KEBBA run pretty much in parallel with Zenshin Dojo?  Are Zenshin Dojo and KEBBA separate organisations or are they fully integrated?

Kate’s junior club KEBBA was established in 1999 and has proved to be very successful with a current membership in the region of 150 children.  I was a 2nd dan in 1993 when Kate began her karate journey in my club.  Therefore, naturally her karate and my karate are as one, but KEBBA is an entirely separate and distinct organisation  There is no integration with Zenshin dojo beyond the fact parents sometimes join Zenshin dojo and occasionally one of our seniors will help Kate run a class.

 Are any of your own children interested in following on in yours and Kate's footsteps?

Sadly not, only one of our 9 year old triplets does practice, the other 3 prefer their tablets to a gi! My older daughter, now an adult living in London did grade to 2nd kyu but then flew the nest.

You also have a ladies only section, which is quite rare these days.  How did this come about, and does it make much difference to the ladies to have their own separate section? Some people say that if woman want to learn to defend themselves against men, they should train with men; how would you answer this?

I find the argument “if woman want to learn to defend themselves against men, they should train with men” one dimensional and superficial.  We’re back to this “self defence” question again.

The first thing to acknowledge is not all women (or men ) are looking for “self defence” classes and I refer you to my answer of question 6.  Many people join for, regular exercise, to lose weight, for fun, to meet new people with similar interests etc etc.

If you view karate practice only through the prism of “self defence” then, in my humble opinion, it loses its appeal to, and alienates, a large section of the adult population.  I believe regular practice offers profound benefits to the average person and therefore should be available and attractive to all.

What about Muslim ladies?  We are lucky to count several as members.  Adherence to their faith means they are not free to touch another man.  Should karate not offer them somewhere to exercise, thrive, grow and develop?

In my experience many ladies feel intimidated and lack confidence.  If I want to improve their confidence then the first thing I need to do is get them through the door.  I respectfully suggest the usual kind of karate advertising emphasising macho qualities of power, strength, speed, high kicks etc will not appeal to the average, slightly overweight 38 year old mum who has not exercised since leaving school.  So what can karate offer her?  Why learn karate?  Because with help, support and guidance, this hypothetical lady can overcome physical challenges which she would never have dreamed herself capable of doing and by making progress her confidence and self esteem all improve.

The ladies group is very popular.  They seem to thrive in a mutually supportive environment where they work out without fear of judgement or feelings of inadequacy.

To answer your question directly, our policy is always based upon pace and lead, in other words we gently introduce the ladies to a comfortable karate environment but encourage them to integrate with the men, when they are ready.

We talked once about internal power, utilising the fascial systems in the body (rather than using chi/ki energy as so many others talk about).  I personally believe that chi/ki (internal energy) is good for health and well being, but is quite different to the internal power used in martial arts.  What is your understanding on the subject, how important do you think it is to martial arts and who was your primary teacher(s)?

For me the engagement of the fascia is of paramount importance and it is present in every aspect of my karate.  The term Zenshin, translates to whole body and the fascia is the physical manifestation of “whole body”.  The Yutenkai practices all engage fascia and I believe Harada sensei also recognised its value but somehow it was lost in translation to his students.

Years ago I studied qigong during an intensive three year instructor’s programme and it completely opened my eyes to “qi”.  I also began shiatsu training which incorporated traditional Chinese medicine until my children came along and I had to stop!

In my experience many Europeans have a very poor understanding of “qi” when compared to the Chinese.  There are all kinds of “qi”, it’s not a mystical, mythical thing it’s real but not in the way some martial arts guru’s or “Masters” would have us believe.  In the context of your question we’re back to the water and garden hose analogy again.  It’s a huge subject and one which I find fascinating but too big to convey here.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang is the only person I have ever seen, in person, on TV or the internet, who has developed formidable internal power, it’s real and mind blowing but that level of skill and understanding is beyond me and I humbly suggest many others. Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang’s student Karel Koskuba was my teacher but even Karel was unable to replicate Chen’s ability.

If I had my life over again I would study Yiquan, an internal martial art which blows my mind but takes decades of dedicated to offer any meaningful value in terms of self defence.  A Shotokai 5th dan friend with a dojo in Paris has combined his karate with Yiquan training and he’s very impressive.

You've attained your 5th Dan, which (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe is the highest grade in Shotokai Karate.  You've also trained a lot of people up to black belt, quite a few up to senior black belt and have probably the largest martial arts school in Bristol (which is quite big).  That's a number of great achievements for anybody.  But what do you personally regard as your single proudest moment in your Karate career?

Hosting an international Gasshuku in Bristol attended by 140+ persons from11 different countries.  The bringing together of so many friends under one roof was truly magical.

You obviously have a lot of knowledge from a lot of different sources, have you ever considered teaching seminars outside of the Zenshin Dojo schools?

No. To be honest I don’t think my views and practice methods would have much appeal in the conventional karate community.

And probably the most important question of all, what do you feel that spending most of your life in Karate has given you as a person?  What differences has it made to your life spiritually, intellectually, health, friendships and in terms of personal development?

I’m defined by karate philosophy, it’s provided me with a “path” to follow, an understanding of me and an appreciation of others.  It’s also helped me with relationships both personal, professional and incidental.  And finally exercise, a “match fitness” which only comes with regular practice not to be confused with athletic prowess, stamina or flexibility.

What are your plans for your own future training?  Are they any big names you haven't trained with yet who you'd like to; and what direction do you see Zenshin Dojo going in?

I’m happy where I am in my journey, I continue to enjoy coaching, teaching and practising basics also interacting with Koryu Uchinadi and Yutenkai practitioners.  Frankly time is precious and my children always trump any personal karate aspirations I may have.

At some point, we all have to retire (by choice or otherwise).  Do you feel that you have good people in place to take over the running of Zenshin Dojo?

This is a matter we are currently wrestling with.  My goal is to sustain Zenshin dojo as a functioning entity long after my death.  It’s a goal that relies on other people and a developed culture.   We’re not there yet but I have some truly wonderful colleagues and together we are working hard to future proof Zenshin dojo.