07 September 2016

Karate and Olympians?

No one can doubt the upsurge in sports interest generated by the 2016 Rio Olympics. And it’s easy to be seduced by the celebrity and accolades bestowed upon successful medal winners. However not everyone can become a sports megastar and, more importantly, not everyone wants to be one.

Despite karate being accepted as one of the new Olympic disciplines, karate is unique in the sense that not all karate clubs would classify themselves as a sport. For many groups the philosophy is quite different. It’s all about the individual rising to challenges and enjoying positive experiences, a place where the only competition is a personal one. As a consequence anyone can potentially enjoy the physical challenges, intellectual stimulation and personal development which come from regular practice of this often misunderstood martial art.

Downend based mum of three Bev, and friends Laura and Gemma, are typical of the growing number of people who have discovered the hidden benefits of karate practice. Bev recalls, “we talked about different options including netball, running, gym... but we wanted something different and the idea of karate came up.  My middle daughter goes to karate and loves it. I hadn't previously thought about martial arts being for me, but we decided to be open-minded and go for a trial session.  Best decision ever!  The people were welcoming, the teaching inspiring and I immediately knew I would relish the challenge of learning a new skill.”

The perception of karate as an aggressive Asian fighting system historically, in the main, attracted young men, but times are changing. Today, the exhilaration of achievement can be experienced by anyone motivated enough to leave their armchair behind, and enjoy the company of other like minded gentle folk in pursuit of regular exercise in a relaxed non judgemental environment. 

This enjoyable alternative to tradition exercise is best summed up by Bev, “I love being a Mum and I enjoy my job, but karate gives me something different - it adds another dimension to my life - I couldn't imagine being without it now!”

Bev, Gemma and Laura belong to the Zenshin dojo karate club with venues in Staple Hill, Warmley, Keynsham and Bath.