13 September 2016

Tara Reflects

Tara reminisces about her own karate journey and explains why she is still so passionate about her  karate practice after all these years.

2016 is an important milestone year for me and I’ve come into it feeling unexpectedly nostalgic. This summer will mark 15 years since walking into St John’s Church hall, Keynsham, for my
first of many Thursday night practices and 10 years since achieving junior black belt at our equally feared and loved annual weekend away at Lancaster  University. So, for all of these reasons I felt it an apt time to write a piece for the newsletter.

I’ve been thinking about how my practice has changed over the years and how I’ve placed emphasis and importance on different aspects of my practice at  different times. As a junior/ kyu grade technique was  often the main focus of my practice. I felt I needed to have good form, posture, hand position etc. within kata and kihon, which was  accelerated by having such a good technical instructor like Kate. Learning sequences and patterns was something I could do fairly quickly but a difficulty in practice came later on towards green/blue belt when I needed to start filling up my practice with energy,  presence and imagination.   Having a good foundation of technical skills and shapes I now shifted my focus to the  development of ‘mind and spirit’. This is where Rob’s teaching and practice approach complimented Kate’s style. I  remember fondly (and not so fondly!) many practices of being taken completely out of my  comfort zone; screamed at, ran at with and without weapons, kicked, punched and grabbed. At the same time, however, I was given a great deal of time, effort and wealth of knowledge and experience.   By the time I was a brown belt I had started to gain a quiet confidence in my ability to ‘hold my own’ and it was so valuable having peers at the same level to support and push each other  forward. I could now look at Rob in the eye when he was  imitating a raging, violent and verbally abusive attacker without crumbling inside or curling up into a ball to cry on the floor. Confidence is such a powerful feeling but there was never time to get too complacent because it wouldn’t be long before the bar was raised and there was another obstacle to overcome. (I’d like to mention at this point that I may be painting Rob out to be some kind of aggressive, child-beating instructor, but clearly that isn’t the case!)

Achieving my junior black belt was a memory that hasn’t faded over time. However, I held an instinctual feeling that I hadn’t come to the end of something, or gained something that made me special and untouchable, but that I was just at the beginning of my  understanding of the  martial arts. It was almost like the preceding five years had been the starter of a meal and now I was moving onto the main course. Amid the feelings of joy and celebration there was an undertone of  seriousness and uncertainty as to whether I would  actually be good enough to progress any further.
The transition from junior to adult practice took a little time to get used to. It  wasn’t just the adjustment to the style of teaching but the realisation that there needed to be a  responsibility for my own practice and learning. I now needed to think about my practice, the reasons for practicing a certain way,  understanding differences in others, discovering the  practice methods or concepts I found value in and start to shape the future of my  practice. I’ve always  maintained that reflection, both in practice and  afterwards (at home or in the pub!), is such a key  component to progression. I have tried to develop an  analytical eye when watching demonstrations and when watching the effects of  technique or movement on my partner. Verbal feedback can be valuable but both  visual and kinaesthetic  information are far more  beneficial if you know what  effect you are trying to create.   Over the last few years of my practice I have been exploring the importance of body  movement. The idea of body movement will mean different things for  everyone as I think it is such a broad concept. I have practiced with many  different high grades who teach body movement but all move differently. My focus has been on what types of body movement are most  effective and how to refine this and make it more  efficient. This exploration, at times, has taken me out of the structure of ‘karate’ and  allowed me to look at the martial arts as a whole. There are many connections to be found between different styles of a martial art as well as martial arts in general. I have used ‘body movement’ for stability, flexibility, evading, entering, creating angles, being hard and heavy, being soft and light and lots of other places in-between when I have created an effect in my partner. I am really interested to refine these movements to a point where I am using the least amount of effort, strength and speed but  maximising the effect - not because I’m lazy (!), just  because I think we can move smarter, not harder.

Another recent development to my practice has been  taking on a teaching role at my new ladies-only class in Newcastle. I have done very small amounts of teaching in the past so to go from that to teaching a weekly session has been a huge step forward. I am not naturally confident in my abilities so I often think: ‘I’m not good enough to teach’, but I have to remember my 15 years’ worth of experience and try to replicate some of the qualities my teachers have. We have gained a few new faces, who are all enthusiastic, and I am already experiencing the pleasures of
being a teacher when  somebody manages to do their first gedan barai or mae geri unassisted! I have always been told the  benefits of teaching and look forward to seeing how this influences my practice and also develops me  personally.

For me, karate and martial arts have been an integral part of my life since I was a child and are embedded so deep that it makes up part of my identity. I cannot separate myself as a normal, everyday person and as a martial artist; they are one and the same. The skills and attitudes I have learned and practiced extend beyond the dojo and I believe I am a better person for this. I think it is becoming rare for people to want to invest so many years of their lives in the study of martial arts as we are now a society that expects information in an instant and not being prepared to wait for it. However, I have been lucky to meet so many  excellent and truly gifted  martial artists who have
 committed to the longevity of the journey. These people have been prepared to guide people and share their  experiences for which I am very grateful. I still feel like a beginner at times and  actually, I hope to still feel that way for many years to come. I’m not one to naturally give advice but – if pressed – I would say: keep seeking to understand, keep committing to a better you and, most of all, keep practicing.

11 September 2016

Iain Abernethy made an impression on Emily

On the 20th February 2016, 6th Dan black belt and karate instructor Iain Abernethy returned to Bristol to lead a seminar for Zenshin Dojo and other clubs.  Zenshin green belt, Emily, reports on her experiences and what she learned.   It may have been a chilly February morning outside, but the atmosphere inside the Grange School gym, in Warmley, was full of warm smiles, friendly greetings and eager anticipation of the upcoming session.  

We were about to begin the  second of Iain Abernethy’s seminars hosted by Zenshin Dojo – a trend I’m personally hoping will become an annual staple. With a similar format, but different content to last year, Iain taught real-world applications (bunkai) of Heian katas, interspersed with fascinating historical insights and practical self-defence tips.

One of the things I really appreciate about Iain’s teaching is how he keeps karate ‘real’. He frequently refers back to the realistic (but hopefully unlikely) situation of being threatened by an aggressor. To this end, he offered the following three word mantra for any self-defence activity: 

 Him. Down. Now. 

Allowing for gender alternatives, of course, this was one of many examples of Iain giving a clear and memorable perspective on a multifaceted issue. According to Iain, karate kata and bunkai weren’t designed to be a Mortal Kombat style chain combo where only the final move gets to ‘Finish Him’!  Instead, in a self-defence situation you should perform each and every move with the intention of finishing the fight. If that fails and your adversary is rude enough to remain upright, the next move is your contingency. Intend for that one to finish the fight. Once again: Him, down, now. This is important to remember because it’s very easy to simply relax into the routine of a familiar sequence, especially when practised repeatedly. Treat every move in every practice like it really matters, because one day it truly might!

Iain communicated other messages that have stuck with me, helping shift my perspective. He explains kata is not about fighting off eight villains arranged perfectly at points of the compass relative to you, just waiting for their time to attack. Instead, you can think about kata as instructions for how you ought to be oriented, relative to your opponent. The ideal situation, just like a gangster or cowboy standoff (and who doesn’t have those every once in a while?) is to have your opponent in your line of sight, but to be well away from theirs. 

 An aspect we revisited from the 2015 seminar was the importance of tactile awareness. To take someone down, you need to get close – properly close, not a polite six feet away. Keep an eye, or more importantly a hand, on them at all times during your defence. If you’ve got hold of my arm, you instinctively know, to a pretty amazing degree of accuracy, where the rest of my body is (including the squishy bits that’ll hurt most!), and also where I’m trying to go if I attempt to pull away or initiate an attack. So don’t let it go unless there’s a clear benefit or follow-up!

Between learning practical moves, Iain imbued us with historical insights that helped to satisfy my increasing desire to find out ‘why is that done this way?’ Of course, there is much lost to the vagaries of history, and Iain never claims otherwise. However, he still enlightened us with his deep knowledge, ability to extrapolate from historical contexts, and from what simply makes common sense.

While I got a lot out of actively putting his principles into practice during the seminar, I believe I could listen to him just talk about karate for hours. Thankfully I have recently discovered his extensive set of podcasts running back to 2006, so I intend to start putting this to the test! This is to say nothing of the hundreds of articles available for free on his website. 

The messages may have been serious, perhaps even life-saving, but the session was relaxed, friendly and accessible. From chatting with various people after the session, it’s clear Iain has something for the whole spectrum of grades and interests. And, as ever, it was lovely meeting and training with people from other clubs, both within Zenshin Dojo and externally. 

Thanks again to Iain for coming to Bristol, and also to Rob for organising the day. I’m already   looking forward to next time.

10 September 2016

Karate Self Defence or Defence from Self?

I opened the Summer school weekend sharing my thoughts on the power of karate as a self-defence activity. Those of you who were there will remember that, in the main, I was referring to ‘defence from self’, the human weaknesses, lethargy, lack of self-confidence, lack of motivation, complacency, inflated ego etc. Disappointment, or rather overcoming disappointment, was another key area where  enormous advances can be made in personal development through the regular practice of karate.  

As I said, losing football managers tend to say: ‘you learn more from your defeats than from your victories’ or as Rudyard Kipling wrote: ‘If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same…. you'll be a man, my son!’  We have a wonderful group of people practising at this club but, because we are a people orientated activity, when you don’t feel like practising, for whatever reason; practice. We need you. You need you. Keep moving forward on your path however slow your perception of progress. 

Alternative Karate: Newly graded Dave - the Viking

Alternative Karate: Newly graded Dave - the Viking: Newly graded Dave the Viking, r eflects on his recent trials and tribulations to attain the lofty heights of black belt. So a few weeks...

09 September 2016

Newly graded Dave - the Viking

Newly graded Dave the Viking, reflects on his recent trials and tribulations to attain the lofty heights of black belt.

So a few weeks have passed since another excellent Zenshin Summer School. The dust has had time to settle and I’ve had time to start getting used to the fall-out from the end of the year-long black belt assessment process. It was an amazing, emotional roller coaster of a weekend and, as ever, it was spent in the company of some truly exceptional human beings. However, this is a story that started over thirty years ago with a teenage lad entering a dojo for the first time, with a head filled with ambition and fuelled by a diet of the best martial arts films the 80’s had to offer. That was my first taste of karate (Shotokan) and, although it only lasted about four years it stayed with me for much longer. A couple of other martial arts came and went over the years and I had probably unconsciously written off any idea of really dedicating myself to any form of regular training in a martial art. Surely by the time 40 came around I was too old?

Move the story on to about six and a half years ago and I was sat watching my children taking part in a KEBBA (Junior club), session thinking nostalgic thoughts of my own martial arts experiences. Could I do this again? Encouraged by my wife to give it a go I stepped into the Zenshin Dojo just before Christmas 2009. With a mixture of nervousness and trepidation I did a couple of sessions before the Christmas break before resuming in the New Year for what was to really be the start of a very different journey to what I thought it would be. This wasn’t karate like I remembered it to be; where was all the shouting and bravado, the training for physical dominance and speed? These people did it differently and that was more important than I realised in the early days of training with Zenshin.

Move the clock on again to Summer school 2015 and the start of the black belt assessment process. I had been a brown belt for a year (on reflection, barely enough time) and was stood in the gym at Hartpury about to undertake the first assessment stage with my two training partners Helen and Sarah. At this point I have to say that they were hugely important to me in the whole of the process and I have nothing but respect and admiration for all of them.

Stage One was the familiar mix of kihon, static kihon and kumite in various forms. It was as expected, reassuringly punishing, but with the great sense of elation and achievement afterwards. Stage Two happened at the Winter Dojo and was all about the drills. Tegumi drills, three Waza drills and then ground work. Fast, frantic and physical, but again hugely rewarding. Lots of attackers at varying levels of intensity. It was over before I knew it, but thank goodness for all the training in the preceding weeks. All the work I’d put in on the week nights practising and re-practising each drill to the point of distraction all paid off when it counted. Yes, I was pumped up with adrenalin and enthusiasm, but what made the difference on the day was all the work put in getting it into my muscle memory. Hours well spent.

Stage Three, Summer School 2016 and the return to Hartpury. Over six months had passed since Stage Two. Sounds like a long time doesn’t it? I can tell you that stood in front of everyone waiting for the off I’d have given a lot for another six months right then! Stage Three was all about bunkai and the application of kata and the techniques. Heain Shodan and Teki Shodan katas broken down into the form of applications for certain types of attack. Lots of attackers all lined up and waiting to go. Zenshin Dojoers about to give their best, plus the random addition of Wokingham club members who got involved with great enthusiasm. The only word for that whole experience was CHAOS. It was utterly chaotic and amazing all at the same time and was one of the best experiences I have had with this club. Yes it was relentless, daunting, physically demanding, emotional, painful craziness, but it was also hugely affirming. Why? Because at that moment I realised that I could cope with this. I could get through it because I was prepared. I was mentally and physically prepared because of the excellent training I had received over the preceding years. Because of the time I had been given to learn and adjust and get comfortable with each grade I had received. All the club nights and the practice with a huge variety of club members paid off at that moment. All the nights I wasn’t up for it but went anyway paid off. It wasn’t so much about when I got it right but more about when it went wrong. When it went wrong it didn’t matter because something came out anyway. I felt every bit of it for the next few days, but I wouldn’t change the experience for anything.

Thirty years ago a young man dreamt of being a martial arts superstar and owning a black belt. It wasn’t to be back then, but it probably worked out better in the long run. I’m glad it happened now, and with Zenshin Dojo. I say this because the greatest thing this club has given me is self belief and confidence in my ability to learn, adapt and cope under pressure regardless of how crazy things get. I love the physical and mental challenges that this club has given me and will continue to keep giving. The way marker of black belt is not the end by any stretch. It feels more like the end of Stage One. However, in some ways I shall miss being a kyu grade and the freedom and a degree of anonymity that affords. I now have to keep up the very high standards that Zenshin Dojo requires of their black belts and do my best to set an example.

Finally, the last thing I would like to say is the greatest thank you to each and every person that has helped me along the way. Every instructor, every kyu grade, and anyone else that has given their time (however little) to help me get to this grade. Although it is in many ways a very personal journey it necessarily requires the time of others and for that I am truly grateful. It may have been my grading this time, but it was a team effort getting me there.

Zenshin Dojoers, you rock!

08 September 2016

Why Alternative Karate?

After 35 years of regular training it’s become clear that the overwhelming majority of karate clubs main focus is ....... Karate!  No surprises there then and, in the words of Monty Python, it is definitely “stating the bleeding obvious.”
However Zenshin dojo breaks that particular mould, it’s not actually a karate club focussing on karate, it's more of a community of people providing opportunities for them to grow.  

Consequently this blog is about their lives, their thoughts, their feelings and experiences. If you’re looking for opinions on the best kata, most effective technique, or any "self defence" tips, this blog is not for you.

Zenshin dojo is a community of ordinary everyday people, including men involved in sport all their lives who suddenly wake up one day and worry, “am I too old?”  And Mums who, in a quiet moment, believe their days of doing something for themselves are gone, and others regardless of gender who have never experienced the thrill of achievement, or pushed themselves beyond their limit. You could call these people the “silent majority,” quietly going about their business, working hard and forever learning. They'll never be a “champion” but wouldn't want to be.

Karate is such a powerful tool for personal growth and development. We’re not just talking physical here.  The challenges it offers, if managed carefully, can provide “the silent majority” with an opportunity to excel in a way they would not understand when they first entered the dojo.

What style do you practice at Zenshin dojo? A common question.

“Karate,” is the only possible answer.  It appears that style based karate can lead to "style over substance" practices, and the belief “we’re right, “this is the way to do it.”  Every style seems to consider itself to be the best, after all you probably wouldn’t be interested in joining a club whose advertising proudly announces “join our club, we are the second best style of karate in UK!”

In recent years there has been a noticeable shift in attitudes with the rise of impressive karate ka like Iain Abernethy, and Patrick McCarthy, their seminars are always popular and well attended. Their approach cuts across style boundaries and without doubt appeals to large numbers of practitioners of whatever grade, experience, or “style.”

Karate depends upon people for its survival, limiting its appeal ignores the endless good that can be achieved by delivering  a, "beyond technique" philosophy, within a wider and more diverse community.

 Zenshin dojo uses karate as a tool, a tool for personal growth in all its many facets.

Concentrating on people, as an alternative to karate.

07 September 2016

Liz - Personal reflections on her journey so far

I was 18 when I started karate in May 2001, I went to a lesson because my sister had been to a couple and it sounded really cool! Almost 16 years later I am still here and loving it more than ever.

I won’t lie, at first it was just about learning all these new moves and funky looking Kata’s and generally just feeling cool because I was learning karate. I initially progressed pretty quickly, I had done various sports whilst growing up so coordination and making shapes came easily, the grades from white to orange seem a bit of a blur. However this is where it all slowed down for me and I began to realise it wasn’t just about the physical, and I found the non physical side much harder to grasp and implement, but I got there!  I also struggled with being assertive, I was a very shy person, I got bullied throughout primary school and really struggled to stand my ground when growing up, so being assertive has been a lifelong progression, and I would quite happily say that karate played a huge part in helping me become less shy and more confident. Something I don’t think I have ever properly expressed my gratitude for, so a Big thank you to Zenshin!

I think blue belt was the hardest for me. At the time everything felt so hard, and I really wasn’t progressing, but loving the club for more reasons than just learning to make shapes really well, I kept on going, and at the time I just climbed on out of that hole I had gotten in. In hindsight I now realise it was because I had gone to university and had a lot of new things happening in my life, which meant for a while I didn’t have enough energy left to give karate, but eventually life settled  down and I was back to moving along my karate path. So don’t fret if you take a detour occasionally, you can always find your way back.

Brown belt was a fabulous time in my karate life, we worked hard i.e. sweated a lot, but it felt great, and although it took me 3 years of being a brown belt to gain my black I never felt like I was too slow, it was all exactly the right pace for me. So I think what I would like to say to any kyu grades who may be reading this is, we all progress differently, I practice every week and take it very seriously (yes even when I am giggling). Even so Deb and Phil who started the same time as me got there black belts 3 years earlier. That was their paths, not mine.

April 2008 I got my black belt, this was my 3rd attempt at this grading and eventually I did feel ready, the club had helped me work on the areas I needed to improve, and Rob led an amazing kumite lesson on the weekend course which really got me in the mood for my grading. That’s not to say that I wasn’t a little worried at what it meant, did I need to be some kind of super Ninja who could save the world, fortunately not, although a special power would have been a nice perk! I came to realise that it was a sign post along my path (yes a pretty impressive sign post), it showed me that I had achieved a certain level of practise, which opened up a whole lot of routes for me to explore. This is the really fun thing about progressing in karate, the more you learn the more you play and experiment, and in turn you learn even more!

I am now a 2nd Dan and it just gets better and better. Gaining my 2nd Dan was a brilliant experience. I was pushed to limits and beyond, and was capable of things I didn’t realise I was. The biggest thing I took away from the experience was to know what inner strength I do have, and hopefully I will be able to draw on this whenever I need to.

I am so glad that I stumbled across this amazing club and martial art that has given me more than just the thighs of a pack horse!    

Karate in Italy. Matt shares his experience

We were very excited to receive the invitation from our friends at the Zenshin Group to join them and our Japanese and Italian friends for the 32nd SeidoKan meeting in Pisa in May this year. We have had the privilege of practicing with Rob Jones and the guys and girls from Zenshindojo on a few occasions in Bristol over the last year or two but the idea of renewing friendships and learning new things all in the backdrop of the Mediterranean sunshine was too much to resist.

We arrived ahead of the main group to have a day or two to acclimatise and were welcomed to Pisa by a thunderstorm and downpour - so far so good! The hospitality and friendship swept that away from day one though as we were welcomed and transported to the hotel by the very lovely Alberto. The sun arrived the next morning and, having established where to stay and, importantly, where to secure a great meal and a supply of Birra Morretti, we were good to go.

The welcome from Enzo Cellini and his group made us feel like we had been friends for years and we were quickly into a programme of practice that, whilst having several differences to 'our' styles, showed us how similar the core principles of Karatedo can be when approached with an open and exploring mind. Introducing us to the Japanese Masters and their team brought another dimension to practice. Their quiet unassuming manner belied an awesome sense of energy, strength and experience that was hard to take in initially but was totally inspiring to be in the presence of.

Daily practice followed some core themes based around the teachings and practice of Egami Sensei focussing on principles like 'Less is More' and 'Soft is not Weak' ; apparent contradictions that have to be experienced to be fully grasped (still work in progress!) Learning to engage your whole body, focus on maintaining your central core, 'strong hands' and embracing your whole surroundings into your practice were some key areas of focus.

Early morning and end of day 30 minute periods of Mokuso (kneeling meditation on the sand) were sublime times when you could allow your mind and body to let go of its busyness and re-energise with the natural surroundings.

Our biggest 'take away' (apart from pizza), was that no matter where you are on your journey in Karatedo, you can always learn more, add depth of understanding and share your own experience with others regardless of age, nationality or level. The only requirement for success is the willingness and humility to learn, share and enjoy the experience and that in 'climbing the mountain' the journey is as important as reaching the summit.

We would recommend this awesome experience to everyone and are very much looking forward to returning next year to build on the fun, learning and friendships of 2106. (assuming we're invited back that is!!)

Huge thanks to Rob J, Rob K, Lucy and Lotte at Zenshindojo and all our new friends near an far for a truly enjoyable time.

Karate and Olympians?

No one can doubt the upsurge in sports interest generated by the 2016 Rio Olympics. And it’s easy to be seduced by the celebrity and accolades bestowed upon successful medal winners. However not everyone can become a sports megastar and, more importantly, not everyone wants to be one.

Despite karate being accepted as one of the new Olympic disciplines, karate is unique in the sense that not all karate clubs would classify themselves as a sport. For many groups the philosophy is quite different. It’s all about the individual rising to challenges and enjoying positive experiences, a place where the only competition is a personal one. As a consequence anyone can potentially enjoy the physical challenges, intellectual stimulation and personal development which come from regular practice of this often misunderstood martial art.

Downend based mum of three Bev, and friends Laura and Gemma, are typical of the growing number of people who have discovered the hidden benefits of karate practice. Bev recalls, “we talked about different options including netball, running, gym... but we wanted something different and the idea of karate came up.  My middle daughter goes to karate and loves it. I hadn't previously thought about martial arts being for me, but we decided to be open-minded and go for a trial session.  Best decision ever!  The people were welcoming, the teaching inspiring and I immediately knew I would relish the challenge of learning a new skill.”

The perception of karate as an aggressive Asian fighting system historically, in the main, attracted young men, but times are changing. Today, the exhilaration of achievement can be experienced by anyone motivated enough to leave their armchair behind, and enjoy the company of other like minded gentle folk in pursuit of regular exercise in a relaxed non judgemental environment. 

This enjoyable alternative to tradition exercise is best summed up by Bev, “I love being a Mum and I enjoy my job, but karate gives me something different - it adds another dimension to my life - I couldn't imagine being without it now!”

Bev, Gemma and Laura belong to the Zenshin dojo karate club with venues in Staple Hill, Warmley, Keynsham and Bath.